2002 is the 10th Year of the Western Design Conference! The WDC is the premier exhibition and educational forum of its kind in the nation. The Conference offers a unique marketing venue for crafts people to showcase their finest original work in the realms of furniture, fashion, jewelry and home accessories. The event is open to the public, but also attracts a substantial amount of its audience from the design industry. The seminar series is tailored for professionals with programming that focuses on specific design topics and the fashion show allows a sneak peak into the hottest western couture collections of the year.

An estimated 2,000 people attended the 2002 exhibit at the Riley Arena during the four days of the conference Sept. 18-21, with another 500 attending the fashion show at Cody Auditorium. A reception at the arena hosted about 300 people.

Major sponsors for the Western Design Conference are Mountain Living, Log and Timber Style, American Cowboy and True West magazines. Dates of next year's event are Sept. 24-27.


© Western Design Conference 2002