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Welcome to
Cody Wyoming
Rodeo Capital of the World

cody wy community

Cody Online
921 14th Street
Cody, WY 82414



An icon in the Cody community many fine works of art portrait this man who worked so hard all his life to preserve is homeland for generations to come.
Bob Edgar, a native of the Wyoming Big Horn Basin, developed an interest in archaeology and history at a young age. After exploring much of the region, and having spent seven years working as an archaeologist for the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Bob realized that the old historical buildings and associated material were rapidly disappearing from the landscape.

In 1967 Bob began working to gather the historic buildings and relics on display at Old Trail Town Cody. Hours of operation:
Mid May--Mid September
8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.

Old Trail Town is located in Cody, Wyoming

Old Trail Town is located in Cody, Wyoming--gateway to Yellowstone Park's East entrance. Cody is in the heart of the "American West." For example, a short distance north of Cody you could take the turnoff and drive the Chief Joseph Scenic Highway through Wyoming's spectacular Sunlight Basin on the way to Cooke City, Montana, and the northeast entrance to Yellowstone Park. The Sunlight Basin is located in the midst of the majestic peaks of the Absaroka Mountains with cuthroat trout steams beckoning at every turn. Or, instead of taking the turn to historic Cooke City, you could take the turn to historic Red Lodge, Montana, and drive over the remarkable Beartooth Pass and Beartooth Mountains. During your stay in Cody, you'll enjoy shopping, vacationing at one of the area's fine dude ranches, visiting the Buffalo Bill Historical Center, or taking advantage of the area's outdoor recreational activities. We would like to extend our personal invitation to have you visit Old Trail town and Cody, Wyoming. | telephone:1-888-587-5994 | site map | protected copyright © 2006 | is your one stop resource for art, history, adventure and all things Cody, WY | Use Cody Online for planning a trip and traveling through Cody Wyoming.